1050 Fire in the Sky

8 × 10 : $33.95
11 × 14 : $44.95
16 × 20 : $54.95
Story behind the print:
February 28, 2006: I was trucking along on route 30 toward Paul Smiths and saw this beautiful sunset over Barnum Pond, which is covered with snow in the photo. I pulled over rather quickly, though I was still doing about 10 mph when I pulled onto the shoulder of the road near the boat launch. Subsequently, it was a nice mixture of slush/ice and I slid to a stop...off the shoulder on the slope and with two wheels buried in a snowbank. I ignored my situation and took several shots before initiating my flashers and beginning the task of digging out by hand. Several people stopped to see if I was ok including a snowplow driver. On my belly in 20 degree weather, and with my hands, I dug the salt/condensed snow mixture out from under the wheels and belly of the Toyota. I gave up when I put it into gear and the back end slid further down the slope toward the pond. I was about to call AAA for help when a gentleman in a jeep pulled up and introduced himself with rope in hand. Enjoy the pic, I worked for this one!